Self Defense | Brazilian Jiu Jitsu | Krav Maga

Mean Girl Project

Come and Join the fun with all the ladies!

train and empower yourself

Want to learn self defense and have fun at the same time???

Introducing the Mean Girl Project! 

A highly sought after 12 or 18 week pink belt program designed, led, and instructed by certified women to teach you that it is okay to BE A MEAN GIRL!

In this program, you will learn how to find your confidence, build resilience and discover your self worth all while learning self defense and having FUN

With weekly classes and take home material, learn how to develop awareness, use defensive tactics, how to prevent violence, escapes from grabs & holds, de-escalation techniques, be introduced to ground fighting, abduction escapes and SO MUCH MORE than we can even list!
With violence against women at such high levels globally, it is so important to not only learn self defense for our own protection, but we must learn to be able to save others. YOU ARE WORTH THE FIGHT!

"Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women."
~ Maya Angelou


current classes

New sessions Begin

February 20th!!
Level 1: Tuesdays @ 7:45pm and
Level 2: Tuesdays @ 3pm

Q & A

It’s normal to feel apprehensive about trying something new, especially if you have never been involved in any kind of martial arts or sports before!

Classes are designed to be fun and inviting. There is even a music playlist that our students help create! 

We have worked hard at creating a safe place for women to come together and grow. Join the Mean Girl Project and let’s get to work because YOU ARE WORTH THE FIGHT!!

Water, comfortable workout clothes, sweat towel and a positive attitude!

This  course was created for mature teen and adult women.

Both levels of our MGP are priced at $249.00. 

Need to know

Don't ever give up learning and growing because